Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Hello from Sydney

 Alhamdulillah bisa menyapa di blog ini. Hello from Sydney! Yes, I have been travelling to Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, and then Sydney these past 2 weeks. I felt so relieved to have a bit me time, doing my first traveling after pandemic :D. Thats why i could write some words here too ( and because the Qantas flight is delayed for 7 hours too).

So these past 2 weeks, i had the whole time just for myself. Meeting friends, and  have a long conservation, exploring new places, trying new things, and eating delicious food! Well, it is the highlight, because during pandemic in the last 2 years, I was too busy to being a mom and wife. It is of course the best role i could have, but we need balance to do it better. Now i am ready to come back stronger and nicer hehe.

But before that, let me reflect what i have been experiencing these last 2 weeks through some photos below:

continue inshaAllah...

Sunday, January 04, 2015

Oh my smart baby

I managed to visit a neighbor so that Dawud can play with his friends this evening. Not comfortably enough, the mother of dawud's friend is talking to other mother about other neighbor like "Mr. A is doing this, Mrs B is like this" and go on and on to Mr. Z with sometimes whispering each other. Sigh... . It grows more uncomfortable when I saw dawud's friend was not nice to him. And I asked him to go home directly but to my surprise, he did not want it. Although his friend was not nice to him, he was trying to be nice and try to please her!... which i don't like it of course.

I tried to persuade him to leave saying that mama's friend from Japan will be coming soon and bring him a gift from Japan, even saying that he can use my ipad or watch his DVD. But he did not want to leave, and yes I leave him alone, and the neighborhood mother promise me to walk him home.

All right, and I leave with angry thought why he did not listen to me.

2 hours later, he was home, and I was not really paying attention to him since I was still angry. Yes, still angry! He tried to talk to me and asked this and that, and I just simply ignored him. He talked to my mother saying "Mayang, mama is angry!"
"Why" asked her
"Because I did not want to go home when she asked me to go home"

I was smiling inside my room knowing that my baby understands why I am angry :D

Then he came to me, lay next to me in the bed, and saying " Mama, do you know that if I came home earlier with you, I could not meet A, B, and uncle C (our family)? Do you want me not to meet them? I was happy mama, to play and meet them. You came home first so then you could not meet them right?"

"Oh my God, he is arguing very well. By saying opportunity that he will miss if he goes home with me. Haha so funny yet smart argument"

But I still kept quite

Then he said again "Mama, i am your son, you cannot do this to me. Do you want me to be Mayang's and Papah's son instead? Do you want it?"

Oh my God, is he threatening me? But he said it in soft voice and very lovely.

My instinct told me to hug him and said "of course not. You are my son. You were happy playing there? Then OK. I am sorry!

At the end, I realize that he is getting smarter and smarter. He knows why I am angry without I am telling him the reason, even he knows how to argue with right arguments!

He is not baby anymore...but he is still my baby :)


mayang: my mother, papah: my father

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Welcome Back and Happy New Year 2015!

Akhirnya kembali lagi setelah 4 tahun  blog ini begitu sunyiiii...
Untunglah di penghujung tahun 2014 kemarin, ada trigger yang berhasil membuatku kembali ke laptop. Yah dimulai lagi sajalah, walopun saking banyaknya moment dalam hidupku yang terlewat ...jadi bingung harus nulis apa.

Anyway, life is so wonderful yet challenging recently. But I enjoy every moment. I know I havent introduced you here, my NEW best friend! My baby boy, who will be turning 4 soon.

So, I have not written anything here since he was born. Hehe so he must be the reason why I dont have time writing in this blog.


He is occupying almost all my time :)


it reminds me to this surah Al Ashr:

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
By (the Token of) Time (through the ages),  
Verily Man is in loss, 
Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. 

Hope to see better me every year :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

21 weeks and 5 days

Tak terasa kehamilanku sudah memasuki minggu ke 22, alhamdulillah ya Allah, semoga junior senantiasa sehat dan tak kurang suatu apapun...amiiin
Yang paling amazing akhir2 ini apalagi kalo bukan menikmati gerakan2 junior di dalam sana :). Kayaknya aku dah mulai paham cyclenya deh, koq kayaknya junior justru aktif di mlm hari ya. Sekitar pukul 9 mlm, biasanya nih dia mulai beraksi, wah sampai pernah ga bs tidur :p.
Pernah juga waktu aku sapa, `assalamualaikum, junior..` dia bls dengan tendangan. Aku ulangi lagi ee...ditendang lagi. Hehe, sampai ketawa2 ngerasainnya. Pintar ya kau nak...
Pernah juga, habis liat anak cowoknya temenku umur 1 tahun 9 tahun yg lari kesana kemari, aku tanya ke suami, `Pa, apa anak cowok tu cenderung lebih aktif ya?`. Ee blm sempat papanya jawab, aku dah ditendang. Hehe, mau ikutan kasih pendapat ya nak :))

Rasanya pastinya subhanallah :), tak sabar untuk liat junior minggu depan pas check up.

Tentang selera makan alhamdulillah ga ada masalah :). Sejak mengalami mual, muntah dkk pada minggu 12-15 minggu, alhamdulillah sehabis itu ga ada masalah. Justru selera makanku baik banget. Kalo ada keluhan sih paling karena pusing2, dan perubahan fisik yang lebih `terasa`. Dah susah jongkok, ndodok, duduk di kursi rendah. Belanja bawa 2 tas plastik di tangan kiri kanan juga dah ngos2an. Naik turun tangga juga...

Feelingku sih, akan berasa keterbatasan fisiknya mulai sekarang ini ya, hmm...nikmati aja deh.

Oh ya satu hal. Junior kan pastinya dah mulai bs mendengar suara disekitarnya nih. Jadi kayaknya ngobrol, ngaji, baca cerita, harus diintensifkan. Kayaknya harus bikin jadwal, terutama buat papanya yang sibuk :)

Semangaat, dan mohon doanya ya semua...
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